Monday, June 27, 2011

177/365 - Carnival lights!!

Sunday night, June 26, 2011

Now THIS? THIS is some FUN stuff here! This Carnival popped up at a local highway interchange on Wednesday about five minutes from my house. All I wanted to do was capture the color. I first saw it at daylight and knew I had to go at some point this weekend. I didn't want to ride the rides, I just wanted to shoot the color. I love Ferris Wheels and roller coasters but the temporary ones freak me out a bit. OH but the COLORS!! So, I stalked that temporary amusement park the whole weekend, looking for a place from a distance where I could capture it all but being at the intersection of two highways made it difficult. Unless I wanted to stop on an off ramp. Did I mention the COLORS?!! I settled for being in the mix, late (for us) on a Sunday, with my husband, my tripod and our cameras. Oh and some cotton candy. A wonderful way to end another busy-with-life-issues weekend. Thank you HUBS!!

Update: This photo is featured on Shutter Sisters! I follow their blog almost every day but when I clicked on the 365 link and MY photo popped up, I LOST my mind. Ask my husband. He's just looking at me and shaking his head. While smiling of course.

Wow, what an honor. Thank you Sisters!

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